Eternal Wood

Welcome to the “Eternal Wood” collection, a collection made exclusively from stabilised wood.

When wood is stabilised, it is as if the silent soul of the tree takes its roots in time, as the fibres, once free as the wind, calm down and intertwine, creating a solid and immutable memory.

The wood, once subject to the vagaries of time, finally finds its refuge. The history of the tree remains engraved in each vein, a silent witness to its long life.

In this collection, the birch wood is stabilised, being beige by nature, it has sometimes been colored untill the core to be able to create various harmonious assemblages.

Dive into the captivating world of this new collection, where each piece is a work of art, a relic of eternity, ready to adorn your life with its brilliance.

2 products

2 products